Mobile Dialysis Units by Odulair are Mobile Healthcare Facilities designed specifically as treatment centers for Kidney Dialysis or Renal Dialysis. Odulair Mobile Dialysis facilities are available internationally, including Mobile Dialysis Units, Mobile Dialysis Clinics, and Mobile Dialysis Centers.
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Mobile Dialysis facilities by Odulair are modern US healthcare code compliant healthcare facilities, designed and manufactured in the US, to provide on-site dialysis treatment. As of 2015, Odulair is the only manufacturer to have ever built a Mobile Dialysis Unit in the United States, and are available domestically as well as for worldwide export.
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Mobile Dialysis is a cost effective solution providing ideal dialysis facilities in VA Hospitals, as upgrade for existing dialysis units in hospitals, on-site dialysis services at state and federal correctional facilities and detention centers, as well as dialysis emergency centers ready to be deployed by both state and federal disaster response teams.
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All Mobile Dialysis facilities by Odulair including the Mobile Dialysis Unit, Mobile Dialysis Clinic, and Mobile Dialysis Center are available as stand alone dialysis facilities. Odulair Mobile Dialysis facilities provides solutions ranging from Mobile Dialysis facilities equipped with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, to 8 dialysis stations.
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Mobile Dialysis Units, Mobile Dialysis Clinics, Mobile Dialysis Facilities by Odulair: Specifications
Mobile Dialysis design plans by Odulair are configured with reception area, up to eight dialysis chairs and treatment stations, dialysis nurse’s station, handicapped accessible bathroom, patient lift for wheelchair or stretcher, janitor’s closet, staff bathroom and staff area.
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Mobile Dialysis Units by Odulair are self-contained Mobile Units built to be moved by trucks, trains, ships, or airplanes. Odulair products for Mobile Dialysis include everything and more that a fixed dialysis facility can offer. As a stand-alone facility with can run on generator power as well as electrical hook-up, it carries its own water filtration and purification systems, including on board multi-stage RO system, and is 4G digital communications ready, with onboard wifi, and optional dialysis patient music therapy multimedia package, Synesthesia.
Mobile Dialysis Unit Set-up Time: < 1 hour by 1 person.